Our Purposes



  • Promote the preservation and the maintenance of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas Pension Trust Fund for the purposes as established in Article SVI, Section 67 of the Constitution of the State of Texas.

  • Encourage the Texas Legislature and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees to ensure that the Pension Trust Fund is preserved to pay upon retirement, annuities and future annuity increases to the retired members of the Texas Retirement System of Texas.

  • Work with the Texas Legislature and the United States Congress to protect, promote and defend the interests of Texas Retirement System of Texas members.

Latest Project


"Don't miss out on the opportunity to join MARSP/TRTA! Last year, it was largely due to the efforts of TRTA that Prop 9 with the tiered COLA was passed. There are many important issues before us in the 2024-2025 year, including maintaining TRS’s actuarial soundness, repealing GPO and WEP and preserving our Defined Benefit Annuity Plan. Please join us as we let legislators and the TRS Board know what is needed to retain a secure retirement for all public education retirees. NO one else speaks exclusively for you except TRTA. Please add your voice to those of others across the state. Locally, join us at our 1st Thursday luncheons for food, fun and fellowship plus entertaining and informative speakers." Paula Knight, MARSP 1st Vice-President & Membership Chair MARSP

"TRTA is the ONLY voice for retired educators! MARSP is our local chapter, devoted to informing members of impending legislation which will directly impact their lives. MARSP provides current information on a variety of topics, offers fellowship and fun every month at Thursday luncheons, facilitates volunteer opportunities, and provides access to exclusive benefits on discount terms. By joining MARSP, you add your voice to the other 94,000 TRTA members and increase the strength of those voices and enhance our ability to protect our retirement fund and to provide increases in our annuities." Maridell Fryar, Past-President of TRTA & MARSP


Is Critical!

District 18
Dates & Information
Unit Number:110/18
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If you have questions about your membership or want more information PLEASE email Paula Knight, Membership Chair or Deborah Jordan, President with the following form request:

Click here to contact
MARSP Membership.

Click here to contact
the MARSP President.

If You Have Trouble Sending The Form, Send Us An Email

Latest News

The Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF), the charitable partner organization of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA), expresses its sincere gratitude to our generous TRTA members for their recent donations to the Disaster Relief program. The TRTA Disaster Relief Program Link assists retired and active school personnel experiencing critical losses or damage to homes and property caused by a widespread disaster. Recently, Texas has experienced two such disasters—record-breaking wildfires in the Panhandle and extensive flooding in the Houston area. TRTF recently has received more than $30,000 in donations for the Disaster Relief program and has funds available through its long-term program to provide support to those struggling due to these disasters. If you or a fellow TRS member has experienced damage due to these devasting fires or floods, please send an email to help@trtf.org to request an application. Applicants do not need to be a member of TRTA to be eligible for assistance.

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